Manufacturers approve GK Electrical for EV charger installation

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We’re proud to announce that we are now an approved installer of Electric Vehicle charge points for four manufacturers.

We’ve recently been approved by Andersen EVMyenergi Zappi EV chargers and Ohme EV chargers.

This is in addition to ROLEC EV ChargePoint of which we’ve been an approved installer since 2019.

These latest manufacturers that have approved us to install their EV charge points, adds further to our credentials as an expert in the field of electric car charge point installation.


Andersen EV charge points are manufactured in Britain. They offer a design-led solution with industrial-grade electronics at the core. Andersen says: “We are dedicated to designing and making EV chargers that look good, work great, and enhance your EV experience now and in the future.”

Myenergi Zappi EV chargers

Known as zappi, this EV charger also has optional charging modes to utilise 100% green energy generated Solar PV or wind generation. This helps to increase Return On Investment (ROI) for solar panels and your electric car. Paired with the Myenergi app, allows users to set timers to utilise economy tariffs and monitor your devices.  This EV charging station is also manufactured in-house in the UK.

Ohme EV charger

The EV Charger from Ohme offers users with “a climate-conscious and convenient way to charge that reduces the cost of owning an electric vehicle.” The app allows for an intelligent EV charger solution and utilise Octopus Energy Agile Tariff. With this tariff you can even get paid to charge your car!


For 2 years we’ve been an approved installer for ROLEC EV ChargePoints. Find out more about its O-PEN:EV consumer unit here.

Government grants

The government’s Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) is a grant that offers 75% contribution to the cost of one charge point and its installation. The main requirements are that you either own, lease, or will have ordered a qualifying electric vehicle and you have off-street parking at your property.

As an EVHS approved installer, we can check that you qualify and apply for this grant on your behalf. EVHS grant eligibility here.

Vehicles eligible for the electric vehicle homecharge scheme (as of 10 January 2021).

The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) oversees the move to zero-emission cars and vans (the department was recently renamed so you may be more familiar with the term Office for Low Emission Vehicles – OLEV).

Government grants

We work with homeowners as well as property developers, architects and builders across Greater London and Surrey. We locate the optimum place for electric car charger installation at residential properties and install swiftly and safely for immediate use. Contact GK Electrical Contractors today and we can help plan and install your charging point.

We also offer a range of electrical services whether house electrical wiring, home automation installationsmart home automation lighting control, or home security

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